সোমবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৩

চমস্কির কড়া সমালোচনা: ইরানের প্রতি যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ৬০ বছরের ‘নির্যাতনের পলিসি’ তর্জমা: সাবিদিন ইব্রাহিম

প্রখ্যাত আমেরিকান শিক্ষাবিদ নোয়াম চমস্কি ৬ দশক ধরে ইরানিয়ান জনগনের উপর যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ‘নির্যাতনের’ পলিসির সমালোচনা করেন।

“গত ৬০ বছর ধরে এমন একটি দিন ছিলনা যেদিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ইরানের জনগনের উপর নির্যাতন চালায়নি”, গত বুধবার ‘ডেমোক্রেসি নাউ’ এর সাথে একটি সাক্ষাতকারে এ কথা বলেন।

“এই ৬০ বছর পুরো হয়েছে আজকের এ দিনটিতে। ১৯৫৩ সালের এ দিনটিতেই সামরিক অভ্যুথানের মাধ্যমে গণতান্ত্রিক সরকারের অবসান ঘটায়। এবং শাহ-এর মত একজন স্বৈরাচারী শাসককে ক্ষমতায় বসায়”।
গত আগস্টের শেষের দিকে সি.আই.এ একটি তথ্য প্রকাশ করে যে গণতান্ত্রিক উপায়ে নির্বাচিত প্রধানমন্ত্রী মোহাম্মদ মোসাদ্দেক এর বিপক্ষে ক্যু’তে  ওয়াশিংটন সরাসরি যুক্ত ছিল।

আমেরিকার গোয়েন্দা বাহিনীর এ প্রকাশ্য স্বীকারোক্তি আসে ব্রিটিশ-আমেরিকার মদদে সামরিক অভ্যুথানের প্রায় ছয় দশক পর।

১৯৫৩ সালের ১৫ আগস্ট ব্রিটিশ ও আমেরিকার গোয়েন্দা বাহিনী ইরানিয়ান সেনাবাহিনীর মাধ্যমে অভ্যুথানের পরিকল্পনা করে। তারপর বিভিন্ন ঘটনার ছক আঁকা, তেহরানে দাঙ্গা বাধানো এবং তার ফলশ্রুতিতে চারদিন পর মোসাদ্দেক কে ক্ষমতা থেকে অপসারণ ও গ্রেফতার-এ সবকিছুর পেছনেই নাটের গুরুর ভূমিকা পালন করেছিল ইঙ্গ-মার্কিন গোয়েন্দা বাহিনী।

ইরাকি স্বৈরশাসক সাদ্দাম হোসেনের ইরানের বিরুদ্ধে আট বছর ব্যাপি চাপিয়ে দেয়া যুদ্ধের পেছনে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের সহায়তার দিকেও ইঙ্গিত করেন চমস্কি। এ রক্তাক্ত যুদ্ধে লক্ষ লক্ষ ইরানির মৃত্যু হয়েছিল। তেহরানের উপর ওয়াশিংটনের কঠিন অর্থনৈতিক অবরোধ দেশটির প্রতি যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের শত্রুতা ও নির্মমতার সাক্ষ্যই দেয় কেবল।

“রিগ্যান ও প্রথম বুশ প্রশাসনের কাছে সাদ্দাম হোসেন এতই প্রিয় ছিলেন যে, যুদ্ধের ঠিক পরপরই ইরাকি পরমানুবিদদের যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে আমন্ত্রণ করেন পরমাণু অস্ত্র তৈরির উচ্চতর প্রশিক্ষণের জন্য। ১৯৮৯ সালে সিনিয়র বুশ তাদেরকেই আমন্ত্রণ করেছিলেন যারা ইরানের উপর ভয়ানক হামলা ও যুদ্ধের মাধ্যমে দেশটির উপর ধ্বংসযজ্ঞ চালিয়েছিল। যুদ্ধের পরপরই ইরানের উপর কঠিন অবরোধ আরোপ করা হয়। এবং এটা এখনো চলে আসছে। আমরা তাইলে ইরানীদের উপর নির্যাতনের ৬০ বছরের রেকর্ড পুরো করলাম। আমরা এদিকে নজর দিচ্ছিনা কিন্তু তাদের নজর দেয়ার যথেষ্ঠ কারণ রয়েছে। এইটা এক নাম্বার পয়েন্ট”। চমস্কি জোর দিয়ে বলেন।

বিশ্বখ্যাত এই বিশ্লেষক ইরানের পরমাণু শক্তি গবেষণার পক্ষে সংহতি প্রকাশ করে বলেন এন.পি.টি(অস্ত্র বিস্তার রোধ) অনুযায়ী ই ইরান ইউরেনিয়াম সমৃদ্ধকরণ কর্মসূচী চালিয়ে যেতে পারে। উল্লেখ্য ইরান এন.পি.টি (অস্ত্র বিস্তার রোধ) সাক্ষরদাতা একটি দেশ।

চমস্কি বলেন-“বিশ্বের বিভিন্ন দেশ ‘জোট নিরপেক্ষ আন্দোলন’ এর ভিতরে পরে এবং তারা তাদের সম্মেলনগুলো তেহরানে করে থাকে। এন.পি.টি চুক্তির সাক্ষরদাতা হিসেবে ইরানের ইউরেনিয়াম সমৃদ্ধকরণ কর্মসূচী জোড়ালো সমর্থন করে সবগুলো দেশ শুধুমাত্র ইজরাইল ও ভারত ছারা”

যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, ইজরাইল ও তাদের কিছু মিত্রদেশ মিথ্যাচার করে বলে যে ইরান সামরিক উদ্দেশ্যে ইউরেনিয়াম সমৃদ্ধকরণ কর্মসূচী চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে। তেহরান খুব দৃঢ়ভাবে অস্বীকার করে আসছে যে এন.পি,টি-র সাক্ষরদাতা ও আণবিক শক্তি কমিশনের সদস্য হিসেবে শান্তিপূর্ণ কাজে পারমাণবিক শক্তি ব্যবহারের অধিকার রয়েছে।

সূত্র: প্রেস টিভি


শনিবার, ১১ মে, ২০১৩

Ernest Hemingway And His Prose Style: A Very Short Comment

His simple and short prose is a mark of his excellence. And the art of story telling in a short and simple sentences give pleasure to both laymen readers to scholars... Anybody can read him, a school student to university professor. I think that is his greatness. He made this tough work easier that is writing in a short, simple and easy sentences. Hemingway's prose will remain powerful in future as well and many young writers will try to emulate that style in their writing...

DURC special session With Mashroof Hossen

BCS Viva : Preparation and Tactics that is again a successful endeavour of DURC. The totally packed RC Majumder Auditorium is a mark of it. Within a very short notice so many participants make it a successful session. And interestingly most of the participants are BCS written qualified. We hope you all will highly benefited from it..
And the trainer of this session Mr.Mashroof Hossain who himself is a smart, dashing and promising police officer (28th bcs police, currently an ACP of police, now in training in SAVAR)make the session an engaging one. His brilliant and inciteful suggestions and smart delivery to the audience will help them a lot for sure in their upcoming viva hustle.
We want to thank this brilliant police officer to be a part of DURC. We hope he will continue staying with us and enlighten us with his brilliant ideas and sow confidence in us!
Special thanks to Ipshita, Silvy, Sabuj,Rashed,Konok and Firoz for organizing such a successful program.
Lets do more..

রবিবার, ৫ মে, ২০১৩

Bangladesh Bleeding

Alas! Mother Bangladesh is crying with the extreme pain and anguish that we inflicted upon her. Every parts of her limbs are bleeding. We're successfully marching towards one failure to another glorious one!
How cruelly we killed ourselves.
We forget Tajreen tragedy to be superceded by Savar. Now we're happily forgetting our loss as new news striking our eyes!
How unnecessary and avoidable it was!

Bangladesh is bleeding and tears are flooding through the cheeks of her! How successful we're becoming in making it a failed state!

We're supporting it through our wrong devised action and inaction..

মঙ্গলবার, ৩০ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Is it Possible to Have a World Without Religion

You can't make the whole world a world without religion. It's a fools dream. Rather we can/should strive hard how people of all religions, diverse opinions, various sects and groups find some ways to live together with mutual respect towards one another...

সোমবার, ২৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Bangladesh is not Only for the Bangali's

We most of the times forget that this country is not only for the bangalis...Though they are minority in number but democracy doesn't mean the stifling of the voice of the minority by a majority through its sheer voting strength.

Jawaharlal Nehru, the first PM of India said "Democracy means tolerance, tolerance not merely of those who agree with us, but of those who do not agree with us."

Beware! I'm a No Smoking Zone

No smoking around me..//
I'm a smoking free zone..//
Smoking is a private job..
Don't make it public...//
Don't let it hurt other non-smokers... Non-smokers only know how terrible it is to tolerate a smoker around..
But smokers can't feel how terrible experience they give to the non-smokers..
We, non-smokers hope someday those generous smokers will be less generous to throw their smokes towards the noses of non-smokers...//

রবিবার, ২৮ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

SAVAR TRAGEDY: Garments workers Are the Modern Day Slaves

Garments workers are the modern day slaves. This slave trade is controlled by BGMEA and garments owners. They buy the lives of the garments workers with the little salary the generously give them. Those slave owners are powerful. If this tragedy don't help us to enact/ensure proper working place with proper maintenance in the garments and if the workers don't provide with the necessary salaries they deserve for their contributions to their owners and the country they are serving with their sweating, tears, blood and lives, the country is nothing but a hell.
And we make our heaven, the garments owners make their luxury, the BGMEA make their towers out of their sacrifices.
It is a shame for us, shame for the so called civilised that we continue slave trade, support slave trade with our inaction and callousness and we let it go on with impunity.

Sabidin Ibrahim

শনিবার, ২৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Writing is Sickness

Writing is a sickness.
You can't write when you are sane!

Writing Poems with the ink of blood

They all walk towards death-
Or driven or whipped to the deadly door of death!

They have gone their
for us to write poems with the ink of their blood..

You are My Poem

I will leave everything
Cigarettes, sun glasses, hair gel
And my laptop, watch and beautiful mobile phone.
And I'll not write any more poems!
Even I'll sacrifice poetry forever
If I get you.
Because to me you are my best poem
My masterpiece!

শুক্রবার, ২৬ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Hai Savar! Hai Savar

Hai Karbala!! Hai Karbala!!
Hai savar! Hai savar!
Keyamot! Keyamot!
Life! Terror! Death! Anguish! Dead Body!!
Crying!! Tears of Blood!!

বুধবার, ১৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Sleeping With Death

Lets go to bed and sleep and dream.. May that dream come again and may I live while dying.
Let me kiss you, death, and say I love you
Because you give meaning to my life!
Yes how true you were!
Death is beautiful
Death is friendly
Death is all alone!
You are the only life which can't die!
Death, I feel pity for you..
You are devoid of the gift of which you are sole authority
You can't taste what you make all tasted!
Dear death you can't die a sweet death!

Secularism: The Arrival of a New Religion

I'm afraid 'secularism' is also becoming a religion here!
It has its prophets, priests and fanatic followers!
There can be nothing outside secularism... Secularism is the only truth. All other truths are false or half-truth. You have to be secular!
If you don't you will be forced and cornered to be secular..
I'm afraid my right as an individual, a free-thinking, free -following man is being threatened!

সোমবার, ১৫ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Meditation :: 01+02 and Sabidin's Sermons

If anyone can control oneself he can control millions..
Everyone is an army of legions. You need to be a good and able general to direct your forces.
If anyone can succeed in controlling ones forces he is sure to lead the world..
Lets be your leader first, you can lead the world!

If you are happy you can consult with a book how you can celebrate your happiness in precision and proper manner.
If you are sad you do consult with a book. It will introduce you with the ways to celebrate sadness.
It will say never panic when happiness or sorrows come. They are the children of same origin/parents. And they come in turn!

If you have some money to waste please waste behind books.
It is such a waste which reward you with huge profit.

4) Never yield to your passions and emotions, consult with your head.

Conversation with Myself :: Nelson Mandela

'Only armchair politicians are immune from committing mistakes. Errors are inherent in political action. Those who are in the centre of political struggle, who have to deal with practical and pressing problems, are afforded little time for reflection and no precedents to guide them and are bound to slip up many times. But in due course, and provided they are flexible and prepared to examine their work self critically, they will acquire the necessary experience and foresight that will enable them to avoid the ordinary pitfalls and pick out their way ahead amidst the throb of events.'

Conversation with Myself
Nelson Mandela

*When did we hear from our politicians that they make mistakes. Our politicians never do any mistake... Here everything they do are right. Rights are right. Wrongs are right too!!

রবিবার, ১৪ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Pahela Boishakh, 1420 What Gifts I Gifted Myself

Was loitering around Neelkhet and New Market after evening adda with my comrades. Was thinking what gift I can give to myself! Went to Rafin Plaza(Friends book corner). It was closed. Then to New Market, gift shops+book shops. Searched bags, pads, world maps and so forth. It happened to me a book with white cover tempt me to take it.
"The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama with a smiling photo of him! I saw this book no less then 100 times before. I didn't buy it. Why?
I was reading the first and the last few pages. It tempted me well!
There was no other way rather buying it. I bought a red pen to mark on this book.
Yes "The Audacity of Hope" and the red gel pen are the gifts to myself!
I like to thank myself on this very special day:)

রবিবার, ৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

How Cheap is Life Here

A news on the back page of The Daily Star with a headline "Teenager Killed" on April,2013 shaken me terribly. We're becoming in some way used to the ongoing political hurdles across the country. We're in a way disenchanted and disheartened to talk about the political scenario which is deteriorating day by day.
But news of the killing of a teenager in a row over playing cricket broke my heart! How cheap is life here in Bangladesh! How cheap it is to take away and how cheap it is to give away! Such a useless, unnecessary death! Such a hurried end of a promise! Such a terrible blow to the parents those whom he was the only son! How we can console them?
A few days ago young Taki was killed in Narayangonj in another fashion. How terrible and insecure a country we're leaving behind for our future generation!

Sabidin Ibrahim
Department of English
University of Dhaka

শনিবার, ২৩ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Chinua Achebe, The Lighthouse

"There was a writer named Chinua Achebe in whose company the prison walls fell."
That was what Nelson Mandela said. What a beautiful expression by the greatest leader of Africa on the greatest mind of Africa. He was very closed to us. His famous novel"Things Fall Apart" is one of the finest addition to the world literature..
We, living in "third world" or postcolonial world/age can follow this maestro in carrying the native and universal together in writing...
"Things Fall Apart" the title of the novel taken from "The Second Coming" by W. B. Yeats.
"Things fall apart, centre cannot hold
mere anarchy is loosed upon the world"

বুধবার, ২০ মার্চ, ২০১৩

The Unfinished Memoirs: How Muslim League Failed

"How had the Muslim League, a party that had been so enthusiastically supported by people in 1947, tasted defeat so swiftly? It could be put down to coterie politics, rule of tyranny, inefficient administration and absence of sound economic planning. The country continued to be ruled according to British policies. But people had expected the administration to run according to different principles in a free land. They had hoped that after the English left they wouldn't be exploited and would truly get the opportunity to improve their lot. Now their hopes were belied. People were getting frustrated.
Unfortunately, our leaders weren't bothered by the discontent being expressed by the masses. Jinnah's death had seen the birth of cliques and the beginning of the politics of conspiracy. Liaquat Ali Khan had now monopolized power. He couldnt tolerate anyone else. He used to talk about democracy but he never practised it. The people of East Bengal had loved and respected Jinnah. People had his name on their lips everywhere.. One wonders if things would have turned out differently if Mr Jinnah had left behind a constitution. Whatever he did or had to say used to be accepted by the masses."

The Unfinished Memoirs(page127-128) by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

The Unfinished Memoirs : Reading Between the Lines- Sheikh Mujib on Left Student Bodies

"There were a few left-leaning students who disliked the government. But the kind of ideas they tried to propagate offended the general students and the public. I used to tell them, 'While ordinary people still like to walk you all tend to have your heads in the clouds and fly. They do not understand your language and will not accompany you in your flights. You should only give the public as much food for thought as they can digest.' This made these communists speak out against me but they failed to attract the student world in any way."
The extract above is taken from "The Unfinished Memoirs"(page116-117) by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Here we'll see a mark of wisdom and incite from a leader in his beginning. How the lefts, communists were disconnected from the public and how their opinion and stands were too hard to catch or absorb by the masses. Where the lefts and communists failed Mujib succeeded. He could understand the every pulse of his people and could gave them 'as much food for thought as they can digest'.

মঙ্গলবার, ১৯ মার্চ, ২০১৩

The Unfinished Memoirs: Reading Between the Lines

"Mr Atlee' speech( Mr. Clement Atlee became the prime minister of Britain after 2nd world war) on the subject did not mention the Muslim demand for Pakistan. Instead, he had slighted the demands of the minority community in it. Let me give a short extract of what Mr Atlee had said in his speech here: 'Minorities cannot be allowed to impede the progress of majorities.' The Congress greeted his speech with Satisfaction. However, Mr Muhammad Ali Jinnah was highly critical of it"

This extract is taken from page 53 of "The Unfinished Memoirs" by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He we will get a clear instance how in the time time of British rule Muslims as a minorities were ignored. That is why Muslims had to struggle for their own land and Pakistan was the result of it. The same thing happen with us in the time of Pakistan. Though in a numerically Bengalees were majority but in power ratio we're far behind. The Pakistani Juntas treated us as a weak, fickle minorities and deprived us from our very basic rights. We came away from Pakistan and made our own country out of a bloody struggle. To make this independence and the sacrifice of the millions meaningful we should take care of the rights people irrespective of castes, colors, parties, religions and races.

Lets everyone become the petal of a beautiful flower called Bangladesh

শুক্রবার, ১৫ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Dhaka University Reading Club:58th Public Lecture

Mr. Mehadi Arif with his superb oratory and theatrical performance enchanted us in our todays session on Ahmad Sharif.
He introduced us with the man of great stature, dignity, honest and originality with enough details and references to us. Thanks and gratitude to the speaker..
We think it is just a humble beginning of us in our pursuit of knowing Ahmad Sharif and his huge volume of works. We hope we will nurture his strong dedication and love for knowledge. How a person should research and drive deep into the bottom of knowledge and wisdom, he is a symbol and mark of excellence.
We may differ with him in many issues but we should follow his path of lone journey in the pursuit of excellence and wisdom. And we should always stand apart as a beacon of hope in the wilderness and a lighthouse in a stormy ocean. Bangladesh needs more soldiers of that kind who are self-assumed general and dedicated fighters, fighters against evil and ignorance and for the betterment of people.
Thanks and gratitude to all of you for your presence and input with the motion. Hope you all will continue staying with us..

Dhaka University Reading Club: 57th Public Lecture

We're greatly humbled with the presence of 100+ participants in our session today. It is the record highest presence:) And the presence of girls also a good sight and their participation with todays motion was inspiring which make us hopeful of the future uplifting of the woman folk of Bangladesh. Special thanks and gratitude to all the girls present today.
We are also very pleased with all other participants, the input you all have given today with the topic. All of your points are really eye-opening. Hope you will continue staying with us.
Special thanks to the speaker today for his excellent delivery. It was an amazing performance from a master speaker. He talked with various dimensions which gave us great insight.
Special thanks to Bahram Khan Soron for his superb moderation of the session. Silvy did excellent job with her photography. Thanks to two other guests photographer as well.
The special note will come soon and the the pics as well.
Until then stay well..

বুধবার, ১৩ মার্চ, ২০১৩

The Shaping Up of A Future Statesman, Founder of A Nation

"Those among us who were young or were students or were progressive-minded took up these points and began to speak out on them.(Abul Hashim led the intellectual body at the beginning of Pakistan and Sheikh Mujib was very closed to him along with Hossen Shahid Shuhrawardy)
We needed to realize Pakistan and it was important to spell out what kind of economic and political framework Pakistan would have once it was created.
Mr Hashim(Abul Hashim) would spend hours indoctrinating us on these issues. He would come to Dhaka for a few days at a time and would sit down with party workers to discuss these issues. He would also spend a lot of time in the Calcutta Muslim League office for similar meetings. He would always keep in touch with party workers. I accompanied him to many such meetings."(page33, The Unfinished Memoirs, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman)

-I always tried to know how Sheikh Mujib taught himself in his beginning years with the spheres of politics, introduced him with different state-operating mechanisms.. The excerpt above is a fine example of his growing up with the masterminds of that time.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the name of an inspiration to me and to the millions of youth of Bangladesh and the world as well.
One of the statements of Hazrat Ali(R), one of the four khalips of Islam is still imprinted on my mind that is- "If you want to be leader, serve others."
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is the finest example in the recent centuries to be a serving leader.. What a great sacrifice he made in his beginning years , how passionately, lovingly he served people. I'm greatly humbled and feel pity for myself as I bravely expressed myself to be a future statesman but I serve people little..
I hope, soon I'll try to be a serving human, I'll serve without hoping any gain, I'll serve without fearing anybody, I'll serve until I live.

মঙ্গলবার, ১২ মার্চ, ২০১৩

Mother in the West/ Europe

" Hear me profess sincerely: had I a dozen sons, each in my love alike, and none less dear than thine and my good Martius, I had rather had eleven die nobly for their country, than one voluptuously surfeit out of action."
(The Tragedy of Coriolanus, Act-1, Scene.3,line-2--25 ,William Shakespeare)

Here Volumnia, the mother of Caius Martius(afterwards Caius Martius Coriolanus) motivating Virginia, the wife to Caius Martius not to worry about her husband that he is going to war.
She said earlier, "...when for a day of kings' entreaties, a mother should not sell him an hour from her beholding; I, considering how honour would become such a person-that it was no better than picture-like to hang by th'wall, if renown made it not stir-was pleased to let him seek danger where he was like to find fame. To a cruel war I sent him, from whence he returned, his brows bound with oak. I tell thee, daughter, I sprang not more in joy at first hearing he was a man-child, than now in first seeing he had proved himself a man."(Act1, Scene3, line5-15)

Here we'll see how she is saying to her daughter in law that giving birth to man-child is not enough rather one have to let his/her son to become "man"(emphasize).

I wonder by now, if the mother is so brave how her children will be! How courageous and vigorous he will be!

Let all the mothers of Bangladesh be like her..!

রবিবার, ১০ মার্চ, ২০১৩

A brief history of the GREAT MOGHULS flamboyant rulers

"Again and again in his memoirs(Baburnama) he demonstrates a belief that defeated enemies must be conciliated rather than antagonized if they are to be ruled effectively afterwards, and that one's own followers must be prevented by rigid discipline from victimizing the local population. It was a belief which would play an important part in the great days of the Moghul empire"

A brief history of
THE GREAT MOGHULS flamboyant rulers by Bamber Gascoigne (with photographs by Christina Gascoigne
call: 954.025 GAB

Its a beautiful book to know about the great kings of Moghul empire.( I read the introduction and first 30 pages of the book).
How Babur as a teenage came to the throne and being driven by fate gone many hardships, failures , successes and again failures. How he failed thrice to win Samarkand which led him to focus towards the east which ended in winning India.
We will get a picture of prince always roaming around his territory seeking new land to reign.

The quotation at the beginning is a mark of his statesmanship and empire building abilities. We can still gather much wisdom from him..

রবিবার, ২৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

On Right or Wrong, Truth and False

Do you know when you are wrong when you think you are always right..
Do you know when you are in the false line?
When you think you only know the truth..

শনিবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Shahid Minar is the mosjid of the state, the flag is the holy book and the police are the priest of the state!
Yesterday they were being attacked.
Dear seculars and atheists brothers you did also the same!
You attacked their holy books, their prophets and religion. You are also accused of the same offence.
There is problems, irregularities, mismanagements, wrongdoings in both part..
See the state is not running, it is corrupted to the bone. The priests are corrupted, every organ of the state is sick..So as with religion.. Most of the authorities of religion are corrupted..
What is the solution?
Should we eradicate state for good?
Should we remove religion?
The seculars-the failure of the state is the cause that you termed as rising fanaticism in the religious groups.. The state is not functioning and doing his work/ cannot work..

Some Scattered Thoughts

I'm a poet and great gentleman.
When I have more I live lavishly
When I don't have anything I live lavishly yet with great misery and in abject poverty.
There is no difference between them.. Both of the lives I enjoy greatly

the sky is crying
let my tears mix with his tears-

the sky is crying
let my tears mix with his/its eternal song
i like to waste my time and there is nothing pleasant than wasting time.

I'm a great pretender..
I pretend to be good
I pretend to be wise
I pretend to be innocent
but I'm the contrary

Meditation on Truths and Lies

truths are the greatest lie of the world and truth lies only in lies..
Lies are the only truth in truer sense in the true world.

seek the truth, speak the truth, even it is against me!

truth is the only sovereign who stays above all

Annihilation of Exams

The exam is a terrible thing. It should be whipped and forbidden to the territory of knowledge and wisdom. It takes away much more what it gives.


Critic of Marxism-1

There is nothing called classical Marxism! Its a dead ideology! The bones and spoiled flashes are to be buried under soil in the graveyard.
But we need to read it, how it is failed?
How it is failed to implement its loftier versions?
Where lies the differance between myth and reality.
How Marxism in Bangladesh creates a heap of dunghill.

Marxism is a man made religion replaced Christianity. Marx is the modern day prophet and Lenin and Stalin are the chief apostle/priest and there are some more khaliphs and saints!
Capital is the holy text where solution of humanity are to be found.

রবিবার, ১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Celebrating the First Rain of Fagun

I celebrated the first rain in this Fagun in an unromantic way
While the beautiful peacock was dancing in the rain
I was sleeping in my den-
While the sweet bird was singing in the spring
I was sleeping in my nest-

শনিবার, ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Those Are the Pearls of her Eyes

O my God!
I'll die if I give a look at your eyes_
Such alluring, such a trap
I can't come out of this maze!

Let me close my eyes
I see you again!

বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Our Policy With Our Guests in DURC

We likes hardest strikes, blows and attack on us and we consider them as our greatest gift:)
We don't feel any offence.

Nonetheless in an intellectual journey we need to be like rivers(which is not consistent..to be consistent is to die). We will change our course often and take new course in a new direction. Thus we may reach to the ocean..:)

To be a stringent conservative is to become a stagnant pond where there is no tide or flow. There will be weeds and pollution..

Another thing is that I don't believe in "fake accounts", coz there is a real person in every fake account and we should make room for that fake accounts and welcome as they/he/she couldnt come in real account.

শনিবার, ৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

On Poets

Poets shouldn't sleep
They can't sleep!
They should keep themselves awake so that millions can sleep in peace!

Let all the poets suffer from insomnia..

10 February

After death people become so powerful!
There is no one to end you up, there is no one to threat you, and there is no one to kill you!
That's why so many dead characters always show us the path to be followed..

শুক্রবার, ১ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৩

52th Session of Dhaka University Reading Club With Jahir Uddin Shohag

Thank you very much all of you who attended todays session.
Jahir's well structured and well delivered lecture impressed me.
Jahir's lecture and the participation of the audiences was exciting. And the participation of Barrister Sadia was enlightening one. The last addition of Ala Uddin bhai on Bertrand Russell and Rabindranath Tagore was superb!
Silvy, Mehnaz and Mahfuz did excellent photography.
And finally, the anchor of todays session Sultana Tania did an excellent job..

রবিবার, ২৭ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Lets Make an International Airport in Coxsbazar

To make Coxsbazar a hot spot for tourist attraction and to give them good communication facilities we should make an international airport there.
Tourist and visitors across the world can easily and in a very short period of time can reach here and visit this place.
At the same time we should take some necessary reform projects in coxsbazar i.e.clean beach, security enhancement, good boarding etc. We also have to stop illegal building on the beach and nearby.
Good and easy transport facilities should be ensured for the tourists and visitors.
Importantly we should ponder deeply on making the airport on priority basis. I'm sure Coxsbazar can compete with Fuket, Bali, Florida, Goa and other most visited beaches of the world.
Can you imagine- an American, English or Australian citizen can directly land on coxsbazar whenever he/she wish!
Can you imagine how mobility will be there!
Can you imagine how many people will get working opportunities!
Can you imagine how much foreign currency we'll get!

শনিবার, ২৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

শুক্রবার, ২৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Dhaka University Reading Club: 51th Session with Nur Bahador

Todays session is an excellent one. Nur Bahador portrayed nicely the present scenario Dhaka University is in with detail information. His calculated and mathematical speech ended nicely with hope an aspiration for the bright future ahead of us and we'll make it happen..We are showing our profound respect and gratitude to Nur Bahador for his excellent delivery and being with us and making us dream with him and to hope with him.
And special thanks to the audiences and participants who enlightened us with their superb points, talks and participations.
Really you are the real persons, really you are the real speakers we are looking for and you are our true attraction. We thank you and congratulate you.
The note will come soon from the master hand of Julfiqar Islam.
Hope you will continue staying with us with your superb performance...

বুধবার, ২৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

The era of Queen Victoria's reign(1837-1901). The period is sometimes dated from 1832(the passage of the first Reform Bill).
A period of intense and prolific activity in literature, especially by novelists and poets, philosophers and essayists. Dramatic of any note are few. Much of the writing was concerned with contemporary social problems; for instance, the effects of the industrial revolution, the influence of the theory of evolution, movements of political and social reform.
The following are among the most notable British writers of the period: Thomas Love Peacock, Keble, Carlyle, William Barnes, Cardinal Newman, Alfred Tennyson, Disraeli, J.S. Mill, E B Browning, Charles Darwin, Thackeray, Robert Browning, Charles Dickens,Charlotte Bronze, Emily Bronze, Anne Bronze, George Eliot, Ruskin, Matthew Arnold, George Meredith, Christina Rossetti, Lewis Carroll, William Morris, Swinburne, Thomas Hardy, Oscar Wilde, Rudyard Kipling, Synge..

The important events of the age were:

(1) The First Reformation Act in 1832, the Second Reformation Act in 1867 and the Third Reformation Act in 1884 gave voting rights to every male.
(2) In 1833 slaves were declared free.
(3) Chimney Sweeps Act in 1840 and Factory Act in 1833 prohibited child labour.
(4) Mechanism of railways and ships was improved which helped develop commerce and industry, and thus, brought material affluence.
(5) There was a significant progress of women during this time.
(6) Agriculture based society was disintegrated as the result of the development of industry. This had a strong effect on the rural people.
(7) The theory of evolution and the concept of communism changed the traditional view of life.

Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory
J.A Cuddon

An ABC of English Literature
Dr. M. Mofizar Rahman

Socio-economic Condition of Victorian Age and its Influence on Literature

The era of Queen Victoria's reign(1837-1901). The period is sometimes dated from 1832(the passage of the first Reform Bill).
A period of intense and prolific activity in literature, especially by novelists and poets, philosophers and essayists. Dramatic of any note are few. Much of the writing was concerned with contemporary social problems; for instance, the effects of the industrial revolution, the influence of the theory of evolution, movements of political and social reform.
The following are among the most notable British writers of the period: Thomas Love Peacock, Keble, Carlyle, William Barnes, Cardinal Newman, Alfred Tennyson, Disraeli, J.S. Mill, E B Browning, Charles Darwin, Thackeray, Robert Browning, Charles Dickens,Charlotte Bronze, Emily Bronze, Anne Bronze, George Eliot, Ruskin, Matthew Arnold, George Meredith, Christina Rossetti, Lewis Carroll, William Morris, Swinburne, Thomas Hardy, Oscar Wilde, Rudyard Kipling, Synge..

Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory
J.A Cuddon

শুক্রবার, ১৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

On the 50th Session of Dhaka University Reading Club

In regard to total presence today DURC crossed all his earliest record!! It crossed 80 ! We're greatly pleased with your kind presence and participation on the topic. Its a great achievement for DURC, its a great achievement for you, its a great achievement for us. We, in our 50 the session welcome you, congratulate you and show gratitude to you. We together make this happen.
We have a slogan "when we work together we make impossible possible".. Completing 50 public lecture humbled us and you all are responsible for it, you make it happen.

Our todays session began with a bad omen when there was no electricity which was a rare event in that our in the campus. However Abu Prantor managed few candles instantly and we began our session few minutes later to our usual time.
Luckily electricity came and there was the flood of audience!!

The photos will be loaded by Mehnaz and Himal and the note will come soon from Julfiqar and Prantor..

I just congratulate you from DURC
and want your continuous participation, guidance and suggestions..

বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৭ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

How to Extract and Produce Knowledge

To extract knowledge and by it to produce new knowledge is the supreme goal of teaching.
One should maintain certain way to be expert in it. Vomiting knowledge is not the exact goal of knowledge which is being practised in rampant.
A teacher at first should master how to extract knowledge before he teach the students ways to do so.
After reading certain text one should find out the main tenets of it and should master the ways to present to the students in a logical and understandable way.
One can be a great teacher without producing any knowledge which is the pinnacle of knowledge. Reading, extracting and then presenting is the very important factor in teaching

Now lets talk about the knowledge producing/production. It is the zenith of teaching and few can reach there. One should master the past contributions of a branch of knowledge and by hard work, dedication and immense perseverance one might be able to produce knowledge.
The civilisation is based upon those contributions by so many teached to them.ers across the ages. We are indebted to them.

In fine we can conclude by saying that we should focus highly on the expertise in teaching as they are the maker of future, they are artisans of civilisation. What will be our future, how will be the civilisation, it all depends on them, the teacher, the acknowledged singer.
We should find some way to train them properly and familiarize them with all the achievements in this field.
And teacher also should be aware of their responsibilities, duties and burden they are to carry with them as the most responsible and conscious section of the society.

বুধবার, ১৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

The Art of Teaching in Students Perspective

Teaching is an art and like all other arts one should achieve perfection to get the best out of it.
Teachers are the acknowledged master, artist of the civilisation. The teachers are the strength of the edifice of civilisation. If they are weak the future is dark and fickle.
So the teachers should be aware of their roles and duties and should achieve perfection in their trade.

Gathering feedback from the students, the receivers of knowledge is one of the few ways to judge the excellence of a teacher.
It is widely accepted idea in the developed countries that teachers and students are on the same line and the teachers are senior scholars and students are junior scholar and their relationship is complementary.
It is very important that there is a healthy relationship between this two petals of same flower if the better result we want to derive.
A teacher has to be theatrical and should master all the artistry of an good artist and he should be expressive enough to the students.
A teacher should come in the class with enough preparation and make his/her students also prepared before coming. In the class teacher will act as a moderator and the students will play major roles and the teacher will instruct, direct even obstruct the proceeding when necessary.

A teacher should be innovative and should always search newer forms of teaching and ways of presenting before the students. The teacher will act in such a manner the students are awed by it.

A teacher will be such a person who will never turn old. He will be kept on updating regularly with all the modern arms and tactics of teaching. And it is desired of him/her that he/she regularly sharpen his/her weapon and check and recheck their status.
The relationship between teachers and students shouldn't be of boss-disciple type rather friendly and complementary.
A teacher has to play many roles outside class as usual. As the students like to model their lives in the copy of their teachers the teachers should be always aware of this fact.
His inside and outside classroom role are both important of the same weight.
A teacher should have a good command over psychology and psychoanalysis and he should be able to read out the inner movements of his/her students and should treat by reading the movements well.

মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Mahmud Hasan-I will miss you, you went so soon!

Mahmud Hasan, a poet, writer, a fellow comrade with whom sometimes we enjoyed discussion, sometimes we agreed, most of the time disagreed is a dead body now.:(
Such a immensely live man will die so early is hard to believe:(
Hasan bhai we will miss you
,we will miss your unique way of talking:(

You have done so many things in a short span of your life. And you were a great possibility, yet you are a dead body now!
Your historic role in he student outrage in August 2007 and writing those days in an excellent fashion will give you a longer lasting place in the history of Dhaka University and the history of Bangladesh..
You lived as a poet and you were a 24 hours poet, from head to feet you are a poet,

I will miss a person with whom I liked to disagree yet enjoying his points:(

সোমবার, ১৪ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

What is Dhaka University Reading Club

Dhaka University Reading Club is a way of living. Everybody can be a member of this. Join our adda both in our regular sessions, adda's and via Facebook(group and page) and be a member of it.
After being members it is expected from you that you read regularly at least 10 pages:)
We, the regular members actually vie with each other in passing more time in the Central Library and Public Library. We like to come to library at 8 am in the morning when the library open and like to stay upto the last bell that is at 9(8.45) pm at night. We attend classes from library:) After the class we come back to library again. We also have our tea together and adda after 4 pm. Our adda usually go for 2 hours. It is not quite mandatory that one should stay whole hours. If one have had exams or anything serious thing to do he/she can leave the adda easily.
Actually there is no bindings there rather than the emotional bindings we are attached which force us to stay together:)
You are welcome to the way of reading club..

শনিবার, ৫ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৩

Falling in Love


"Knowledge Walk" The Beginning

It was a great, excellent, superb, unparalleled, mindblowing(what more) "Knowledge walk":)
Of course you have some hard times for your legs but surely you passed a memorable day of your life..:)
We proved that united we're strong and do impossible possible.
It was the first "Knowledge Walk" in the history of Dhaka University, in the history of Bangladesh and I'm sure for the first time in the world!
Three knowledge Walkers enlightened and sharpened our understanding and showed us the way to look at historical places quite a different way, unknown to many of us before.
Thanks and gratitude to Shajib, Alauddin vi, Shamsuddhuha Chowdhury for their being knowledge walker this year.
Thanks to all of you who attended and be the part of this successful program..